Karen  Grace  Christie


Author       Artist       Energy Worker


My life has been, and is, chock full of adventures. All different kinds. Big ones. Some bad. The rest amazing. There are no accidents. Everything has a purpose. That said, without such adventure, had my experiences been subtle and ordinary, I likely would’ve missed the path I came to live. The adventures were opportunities to become really aware of both the physical and non-physical dimensions. How to operate in both. And how to share what I’ve learned in beneficial ways for myself, and others. Lucky me, sharing is mainly through the arts, which includes energy work.

I live in Topanga, Ca. with my daughter, husband, three dogs, Ollie Barusch, Charlie Le Beau, and Bella Louis-a.k.a. Sharklittle, Honey the Cat, and at the moment, one very opinionated and beautiful horse, Tipster Do.