Author       Artist       Energy Worker


Karen  Grace  Christie

Breaking The Circle

The following story came about because of a peculiar phenomenon I became aware of when I was in college. I majored in psychology. On campus that was as good as having a degree. Got problems? Get a freebie with the psych major. And it happened, that in listening to students vent, that a repeating pattern stood out.

I first noticed it in the stories girls told about their dating expectations and disappointments. As if that wasn’t enough to notice it, their friends’ responses certainly highlighted it. Which went something along the lines of: “Oh, no! Not again.” Which was my response, too.

After hearing the same story from so many, my curiosity was definitely aroused. And this is what I noticed. That no matter how many guys a girl liked and dated, the only difference between them was their name. I called this pattern The Circle.

It may seem hard-hearted, but The Circle fits the definition of insanity. Well, repeating the same pattern over and over while expecting different results, is nuts. It certainly isn’t logical. Yet, that is what most of us are doing.

But the most interesting part of The Circle comes at the end of its cycle. For no matter how many times we’ve lived through one of these, our surprise at the bad ending is completely genuine. Especially when we’ve given our best. And after, in wondering what went wrong, we’re left feeling angry, or resentful, or depressed. And, definitely confused.

Being stuck in a repeating cycle isn’t limited to relationships. It could explain the diet that was working out, until… Or, the new job that was going so well until a co-worker… Or, the new exercise routine… And when another cycle ends, you’re disgusted, and perhaps blaming yourself.

Women, especially, are inordinately good at feeling guilty and blaming themselves. But with time emotions calm, or fade into the background. You swear ‘it’ll’ never happen again. And one day you’re ready to tackle a new diet. It’s simple to follow. Friends swear by it. Or, a new job. This time you keep to yourself. You’re polite and considerate to co-workers and your boss. It’s a new beginning. You’re feeling strong. Determined. Or, you meet another man. You weren’t looking for that. It just happened. He seems okay. A nice guy, actually. Nothing like the others. And The Circle begins again.

I wrote The Circle to de-closet The Circle; to demystify the reasons for repeating the pattern; and to introduce an interesting means of ending it. The culprit is the unconscious. Any habits, beliefs, patterns of behavior established in the unconscious are safely hidden away—motivating and controlling our actions. That is, if action comes from the unconscious, it is without your conscious awareness.

So, what do you do to change a repeating pattern? It’s almost impossible to self-analyze the self. You can discuss it with friends. Or, a good therapist. Or, as in The Circle, you can work with an Energy Worker.

Wondering what they do? They, like a shaman, can read the unconscious, and a little known area called the Emotional Body. They read this information in a person’s energy field the way a doctor reads an x-ray—only the energy worker doesn’t need a machine.

They can look into past lives, cellular memory, at your DNA, family history, and more. For what is invisible to most of us is quite real to those with the gift. Best of all, they can identify the pivotal moments responsible for establishing a repeating pattern. And, any resistance to letting go of it.

Resistance is another nasty culprit. For no matter how much better your life would be without that circle, if the emotions that created it are stronger than your desire to break the pattern, the stronger emotion will always win.

So, you’re wondering, how does an energy worker change that? It’s actually quite simple. Everything in the universe is comprised of vibrating energy. The energy worker, shaman, healer, knowing this, re-arranges the energy. The less resistance, the quicker the process. (And a good energy worker will always move towards your self-empowerment. That is, they won’t just clear away the offending energy. They will bring in what you need to understand it, and at that point, it is your desire that actually manifests the change.)

In The Circle you’ll meet Remi, an artist with a secret. One that she is unaware of, and it is controlling her life, a life that is so comfortable in Los Angeles, she has little incentive to work on change. So, energy worker, Grace Michaels, arranges a holiday on a Caribbean island where the colors are guaranteed to tantalize the painter, with a rhythm that will subdue her resistance, and where magical happenings are as normal as rush hour in L.A.

And there’s Remi’s friend, Caroline, a writer. Words are important to her. Being so cerebral, Grace attracts in events to rattle Caroline’s unconscious cage—to encourage her to use techniques to clear a past plagued by grief and sadness.

Manipulating energy is everybody’s business. We all do it. With each thought, depending upon the strength of our emotion, we create changes in our lives—which also affects the lives of others. The only difference between the energy worker, the shaman, the healer, and us, is that they see the energy, and know that energy does what you want.

In the opening pages, the ladies are having lunch in a café owned by one of the friends. While chatting, Grace Michaels, seeing a bunch of black blobs around Remi’s head, reaches over, grabbing one at a time, flicking each away. The reader, now understanding that energy does what you intend, can imagine what it looks like. Imagine the blobs being flicked through the air into the light, and as each hits the light, changing into particles of positive energy. After all, you wouldn’t want a blob of negative energy left floating around. It might attach itself to someone innocently passing by!